I walked by the snail in greenpoint last night at 420 and there was a guy waiting outside. I asked what he was doing and he said someone paid him $100 on taskrabbit to wait. People are broken in NYC at this point.

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That's so depressing. I'm happy for the line guys whose businesses are booming but I can't respect anyone who pays someone to wait in line at a restaurant for them lol

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A restaurant that not many people

Have heard of as well. The waiting on line for pizza, ice cream, Bradley cooper to shoot cheez whizz in your mouth, and the local “neighborhood bistro” is NYC’s new humiliation ritual.

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So embarrassing... The Snail is also a knockoff Monkey Bar/4 Charles. If you're gonna wait, at least do it for the real thing

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Soothr has been on my list FOREVER but plans to go always get derailed. Must try!

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It's very good and there are so many different rooms in there that it's always fun to see where you get seated. I had a delicious fried whole fish last time I was there 🐠

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Sounds amazing! Will report back.

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RIP UNCLE BOONS - this was delicious i can't believe i wasn't subscribed until now

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I miss it all the time..... and hi :) happy you're here

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i'm happy i'm here too!!!!!!!

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Oh gosh I think about the cabbage at Uncle Boons weekly 😭. Diner is my go-to walk-in bar meal — nothing fancy but the perfect burger and Caesar salad!

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Sophia THANK YOU. People are always telling me it's overrated but I think that's one of the best orders in Brooklyn

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They're wrong! I'm there nearly once a week

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Also love: River deli if you have cash/ok with using their atm (i know everyone goes for brunch but their dinner is underrated), agi’s counter, either aita location

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Ooooh I need to try all of those, especially River Deli. I walk by all the time but have somehow never been. Thank you!!!

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Ok for brunch you have to get the pane fritelle, it’s like layers of polenta crepes and it’s always a special and the shakerato is better than bar pisellino’s (I said what i said)

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Damn Amy... I'm sold I'm gonna check it out next weekend

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