I hope you are all having a lovely and lazy Sunday, savoring the last of your leftovers and either enjoying or avoiding the never-ending football games on television today. It made me happy to see some of you guys hunt down the Thanksgiving leftover sandwiches I rounded up last week — you can probably still find a few this afternoon.
Since it finally feels like the most wonderful time of the year in the most perfect city in the world — Madison Avenue is lined with lights, everyone is ending their interactions with “happy holidays” and the Rockefeller Center tree is being lit this week — I figured it was the right time to offer a discount on paid subscriptions to Perfect City.
As a reminder, becoming a paid subscriber grants you access to all of the recommendations for each week’s prompt, even the ones below the paywall. You’ll also be able to agree, disagree, share your own restaurant intel and read everyone else’s in the comments section of every column. You can access the discount here for the next few days. Happy holidays <3